6 Cybersecurity Predictions for 2014

According to experts, there are many key information security trends to be on the lookout for in 2014, including new types of attacks, an increased mobile security threat and greater government pressure for standards compliance.  Here’s a list of predictions and trends in cybersecurity to look out for this year:

1. A significant security breach at a cloud service provider.  Businesses should recognize the increased necessity of evaluating risk within their third-party provider systems and in provider/vendor relationships to keep trade secrets disclosed and prevent intellectual property from becoming the property of others.

2. The acceleration of the migration from compliance to IT risk management. Make sure your business is providing a comprehensive risk assessment and risk mitigation strategy to your executive team and board if you manage security for a medium to large enterprise.

3. The shift in security from static boundary protection to proactive monitoring and response.  It may be a good idea to implement larger and more focused monitoring teams to collect and consolidate information so they can analyze, report, and react to new threats.

4. A significant increase of malware on mobile applications.  Malware creation will reach a record high in 2014.  You should consider integrating a mobile security specialist for your mobile applications before sensitive data is collect, processed or stored.

5. Slimming down big data.  It’s recommended that excess data it eliminated and consolidated.

6. Competing for cybersecurity and data analytics experts.  The need for these professionals is expected to grow this year so make sure your compensation and job description is competitive.


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