Our Nation’s capital says yes! Felons are able to acquire a Liquor License in Washington DC. In 2004 Antoine Jones applied for a Liquor License and he passed the background check- it is not the District’s policy to conduct a nationwide criminal background check on applicants. The DC Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration (ABRA) learned of the record after a 2005 arrest when federal authorities charged him in a multi-million dollar drug operation. It is the District’s policy only to conduct a criminal search in the areas that the applicant reports living and the District itself, not nationally, so a charge he has in Arlington went undetected. ABRA is working on changing their policy to conduct a Nationwide criminal search on all Liquor license applicants. Read more at www.washingtontimes.com/news/2010/aug/17/felons-can-still-get-liquor-licenses-in-dc/