A look at three COVID-19 related ADA cases by the EEOC

The EEOC rarely files lawsuits due to its own administrative budget. Consequently, employers can gain a sense of how the virus is changing legal landscapes by studying the cases that the agency chose to take on in the past year.

The 5 Types of Criminal Record Searches

background check for criminal history

Are you currently running the best criminal record searches for your organization? What about the government-mandated requirements for your industry? Before you can answer these questions, you need to understand the different types of criminal record searches. 1. County County Criminal Search for current county of residence – Search for reportable felony and misdemeanor records […]

8 Steps of the Criminal Record Process

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The criminal record process is a long course of specific procedures, made only more complicated by differing state and county proceedings. That’s why we have broken down the process into eight easy to understand steps!

#MeToo: The Importance of a good sexual harassment policy

A sexual harassment policy protects employees from abuse and exploitation. It also protects the company from liability suits through promoting an open-door approach and having official processes in place for handling claims of sexual harassment.

Mental health checks among NH gun control measures

New Hampshire’s strong Second Amendment support helped push a “Stand Your Ground” law over a governor’s veto, but a pair of bills limiting access to guns when mental health problems arise could test the state’s entrenched belief in unfettered gun rights.

EEOC Loses Employment Credit Report Case

In the coming days, you may hear a lot of coverage about this case, but understand this important point: the court did not rule that credit reports did not create an adverse impact upon minority applicants.

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